1. Mary and human liberation... the other side Keywords: christianity, theology, liberation, rebel, unorthodox, and faith Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Tissa Balasuriya) Bookmark
2. එක්සත් සමාජවාදී පක්ෂයේ කෙටි ඉතිහාසය හා අප ආ ගමන් මඟEksat Samājavādī Pakṣayē keṭi itihāsaya hā apa ā gaman maga Keywords: united socialist party, history, origin, sri lanka, and socialism Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Left-wing Political Pamphlets) Bookmark
3. The journey of the religions and their historic task Keywords: religion, spirituality, history, contexts, and christianity Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Tissa Balasuriya) Bookmark
4. A historical perspective of the ethnic conflict Keywords: ethnicity, conflicts, violence, race, history, and politics Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Tissa Balasuriya) Bookmark
5. 'තේ ඉජිර්තුර්' අනගි යැදුමකි (May 18, 1963)'Tē ijirtur' anagi yædumaki Keywords: prayer, 'tē ijirtur', and worship Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Michael Rodrigo) Bookmark
6. Canon of the Mass (February 29, 1964) Keywords: catholicism, eucharistic prayer, religious rites, and history Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Michael Rodrigo) Bookmark
7. No room in the inn (August 15, 1986) Keywords: book review, yvonne fries, thomas bibin, and upcountry tamil Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Paul Caspersz) Bookmark
8. Towards the end of the century (December 29, 1999) Keywords: sri lankan history, postcolonial, post-independence, and historiography Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Paul Caspersz) Bookmark
9. Plantations: past, contemporary and future patterns Keywords: plantation, labour rights, social status, and workers' conditions Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Paul Caspersz) Bookmark
10. Revisiting our estate repatriates (December 19, 2000) Keywords: estate repatriates, migrant workers, upcountry-tamil workers, and social development Provenance: Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990s (Collection of Paul Caspersz) Bookmark