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2. - پاكستان مشرف دور میں، 1999ء-2005ء
- Pākistān Musharraf daur men̲, 1999ʼ-2005ʼ
- Date created:
- 2005
- Language:
- Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- History, Labor, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- History, Labor economics, and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- labor
3. - جامعه نامه، مارچ 2011ء
- Jāmiʻah nāmah, Mārc 2011ʼ
- Alternative title:
- Jamia nama, March 2011
- Date created:
- 2011
- Language:
- English and Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Education
- Subject:
- Education, Higher
4. - اقوام متحده عالمى اداره محنت كا كنونشن برائے ہوم ورك (گهر میں معاشى كام)
- Aqvām-i Muttaḥidah ʻĀlamī Idārah-i Miḥnat kā Kanvinshan barāʼe Hom Vark (ghar men̲ maʻāshī kām)
- Alternative title:
- ILO Convention on Home Work (C-177)
- Date created:
- 2013
- Language:
- English and Urdu
- Category:
- Socioeconomic conditions and development and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Small business and Social policy
- Keywords:
- homenet pakistan
5. - ترقیاتى منصوبه بندى اور پاكستانى عوام
- Taraqqiyātī manṣūbah bandī aur Pākistānī ʻavām
- Language:
- Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Education, Education, and Health
- Subject:
- Education, Educational law and legislation, and Public health
- Keywords:
- south asia partnership
6. - ممبران پر مشتمل تنظیم اور ILO كا معاہده C-189 : خصوصیات، اصول اور رجسٹریشن
- Mimbarān par mushtamil tanz̤īm aur ILO kā muʻāhidah C-189 : k̲h̲uṣūṣiyāt, uṣūl aur rajisṭreshan
- Alternative title:
- Creator:
- Plan
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- Labor
- Subject:
- Labor laws and legislation
7. - روزگار كے مواقع پر امن زندگى كا فروغ
- Rozgār ke mavāqiʻ pur amn zindagī kā farog̲h̲
- Creator:
- Karachi Youth Initiative
- Language:
- Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Children and youth, Gender and sexuality, and Labor
- Subject:
- Youth employment, Women--Employment, and Occupational training
8. - ممبران پر مشتمل تنظیم : خصوصیات، اصول اور رجسٹریشن
- Mimbarān par mushtamil tanz̤īm : k̲h̲uṣūṣiyāt, uṣūl aur rajisṭreshan
- Alternative title:
- Language:
- Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Labor
- Subject:
- Labor laws and legislation
9. - بہنوں كے لئے تحفه
- Bahnon̲ ke liʼe tuḥfah
- Alternative title:
- Hadītī ʻalayk
- Creator:
- بلوچ، نعیم احمد ; امل بنت عبداللّٰه
- Date created:
- 2011
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality and Religion
- Subject:
- Women and Islam
- Keywords:
- baloch, naeem ahmad
10. - عوام دوست منصوبه سازى
- ʻAvām dost manṣūbah sāzī
- Language:
- Urdu
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Economics and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Economic policy and Economic and social development
11. - چاند تارے، حصه اول
- Cānd tāre, ḥiṣṣah avval
- Creator:
- فرید، غلام ؛ عزیز، عزیز الرحمٰن ؛ اقبال، فضل حق
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Education, and Education
- Subject:
- Language and languages, Early childhood education, and Education--Study and teaching
- Keywords:
- fareed, ghulam and aziz, azizur rahman
12. - اللہ کی طرف سے رزق کی تقسیم اور کمزور طبقے کی کفالت : اس میں رزق میں وسعت یا تنگى كے اسباب، كمزور طبقے، خیر كا مطلب، زكوٰه كا نظام، سود، مضاربت، قمار، سٹه، انشورنس، لائسنس اور زرعى پیداوار كا تفصیلى ذكر هے
- Allāh kī t̤araf se rizq kī taqsīm aur kamzor t̤abqe kī kifālat : is men̲ rizq men̲ vusʻat yā tangī ke asbāb, kamzor t̤abqe, k̲h̲air kā mat̤lab, zakváh kā niz̤ām, sūd, muẓārabat, qimār, saṭṭah, inshūrans, lāʼisans aur zariʻī paidāvār kā tafṣīlī z̲ikr hai
- Creator:
- فاروقى ندوى، محمّد سرور
- Date created:
- 2008
- Language:
- Arabic and Urdu
- Coverage:
- No place, unknown, or undetermined
- Category:
- Economics, Religion, Religion, and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Economics, Islam, Religious education, and Economic and social development
- Keywords:
- farooqui nadwi, muhammad sarwar
13. - دارارقم کا احسان انسانی دنیا پر
- Dār-i arqam kā iḥsān insāni dunyā par
- Creator:
- فاروقى ندوى، محمد سرور ; ندوى، ابوالحسن على, 1913-1999
- Date created:
- 2007
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- History, Religion, Religion, and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- History, Islam, Religious education, and Social conditions
- Keywords:
- nadwi, sayed abul hasan ali and farooqui nadwi, muhammad sarwar
14. - روزہ، تراویح، صدقہ اور اعتکاف کے احکام و مسائل : شریعت کی روشنی میں
- Rozah, tarāvīh, ṣadqah aur iʻtikāf ke aḥkām va masāʼil : sharī'at kī raushnī men̲
- Alternative title:
- Rozah, tarāvīh, ṣadqah aur iʻtikāf ke aḥkām
- Creator:
- فاروقى ندوى، محمّد سرور
- Date created:
- 2007
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- Religion, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Islam, Religious education, and Rites and ceremonies
- Keywords:
- ramadan, farooqui nadwi, muhammad sarwar, and islamic law
18. - مدارس اسلامیه كے نصاب كا تاریخى جائزه اور ہندى زبان كى ضرورت
- Madāris-i Islāmiyah ke niṣāb kā tārīk̲h̲ī jāʼizah aur Hindī zabān kī ẓarūrat
- Creator:
- فاروقى ندوى، محمّد سرور
- Date created:
- 2007
- Language:
- Arabic and Urdu
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Arts and culture, History, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Language and languages, History, Islam, and Religious education
- Keywords:
- farooqui nadwi, muhammad sarwar, madrasahs, and madrasas
20. - ماہ رمضان اور پیام قرآن
- Māh-i Ramaẓān aur payām-i Qur’ān
- Creator:
- ندوى، سيّد سلمان حسينى
- Date created:
- 2010
- Language:
- Arabic and Urdu
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Religion, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Holidays, Islam, Qurʼan, and Rites and ceremonies
- Keywords:
- ramzan, ramadan, ramazan, and nadwi, syed salman husaini
21. - اسلام میں جزیہ، خراج اور ذمیوں کے اختیارات: تاریخی حقائق کی روشنی میں
- Islām men̲ jizyah, k̲h̲irāj aur ẕimmīyoṉ ke ik̲h̲tiyārāt : tārīk̲h̲ī ḥaqāʼiq kī raushnī men̲
- Creator:
- فاروقى ندوى، محمّد سرور
- Date created:
- 2009
- Language:
- Urdu
- Category:
- History, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Politics and government, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- History, Minorities--Legal status, laws, etc., Islam and politics, Islam, and Religion and politics
- Keywords:
- farooqui nadwi, muhammad sarwar
22. - Mary and human liberation... the other side
- Creator:
- Manel Abhayaratna
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality, History, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Feminism, History, Catholic Church, and Liberation theology
- Keywords:
- christianity, theology, liberation, rebel, unorthodox, and faith
23. - Quest: issues in the relationship between the contextual and universal dimensions of Christian theology (September 1992 (No. 120))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya OMI
- Date created:
- 1992
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Catholic Church and Christians
- Keywords:
- christianity, theology, contexts, universality, and co-existence
24. - Quest: companion to the encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI on "God is Love" (May 2006 (No. 156))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya OMI
- Date created:
- 2006
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Bible and Catholic Church
- Keywords:
- christianity, encyclicals, pope, and priests
25. - Let God be God
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1991
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Bible and Catholic Church
- Keywords:
- christianity, secularism, bible, and spirituality
26. - Quest: religion for another possible world (March 2006 (No. 155))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya OMI
- Date created:
- 2006
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Catholic Church and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- religion, spirituality, world, and social development
27. - Catholic priesthood and social establishment in Sri Lanka
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Catholic Church, Religion, and Religion and politics
- Keywords:
- catholicism, priests, missionaries, and social conditions
28. - To socialism through the liberation of the village
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1977
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Agrarian and rural issues, Economics, Labor, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Rural and village development, Economic policy, Agricultural workers, and Socialism
- Keywords:
- socialism, liberation, rural development, social conditions, economy, and labour
29. - Quest: contemplative commitment (August 1991 (No. 113))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya OMI
- Date created:
- 1991
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Bible, Catholic Church, and Religious education
- Keywords:
- christianity, society, and development
30. - Challenges of globalization to the universal church
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Rites and ceremonies and Globalization
- Keywords:
- christianity, church, globalization, economy, society, and development
31. - Changing styles of priestly life
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Catholic Church and Religious education
- Keywords:
- christianity, priests, missionaries, and modernity
32. - විමුක්ති ප්රකාශන : ජාතිවාදි ගැටළු (No. 30)
- Vimukti Prakāśana : jātivādi găṭaḷu
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- Sinhala
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Minorities, ethnic and racial groups
- Subject:
- Ethnic groups, Racism, and Separatist movements
- Keywords:
- ethnicity, race, social issues, and church
33. - විමුක්ති ප්රකාශන : විමුක්ති අධ්යාත්මිකත්වය (August 1991 (No. 36))
- Vimukti Prakāśana : vimukti adhyātmikatvaya
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1991
- Language:
- Sinhala
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Liberation theology and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- christianity, liberation, spirituality, and theology
34. - විමුක්ති ප්රකාශන : ජාතිවාදී අරගල සහ ශුද්ධවු සභාවේ කාර්ය භාරය (No. 24)
- Vimukti Prakāśana : jātivādī aragala saha śuddhavu sabhāvē kārya bhāraya
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date range:
- approximately 1970-2013
- Language:
- Sinhala
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Racism, Separatist movements, Catholic Church, and Church and state
- Keywords:
- ethnicity, race, struggles, church, social issues, and missionaries
35. - Logos: the Chinese Revolution and Us (June 1975 (Vol. 14, No. 2))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1975
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Economics, Economics, Economics, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Economic development, Economic policy, Foreign and trade relations, and Communism
- Keywords:
- world, revolution, politics, communism, and china
36. - Quest: companion to encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI on "Caritas in Veritate" "Charity in Truth" (September 2009 (No. 157))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya OMI
- Date created:
- 2009
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Bible and Catholic Church
- Keywords:
- christianity, encyclicals, pope, priests, charity, and caritas
37. - Statement of the Sixth EATWOT Conference and Reflections on the Sixth E.A.T.W.O.T. Conference (Asian Theological Search, January 1983 (No. 3))
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1983
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Ecumenical movement and Liberation theology
- Keywords:
- eatwot theology, christianity, third world, and asia
38. - Communal tensions & the role of the church
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1983
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Racism, Catholic Church, and Church and state
- Keywords:
- christianity, church, community, conflicts, and missionaries
40. - Need of a people's movement for peace with justice
- Creator:
- Tissa Balasuriya
- Date created:
- 1984
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Politics and government and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Peace movements and Social justice
- Keywords:
- peace movements, justice, politics, and social issues
41. - रैंयाँ : वर्ष : 1, अंक : 1, 2070
- Raiṃyām̐ : varsha : 1, aṅka : 1, 2070
- Creator:
- मगर, फूलकुमारी थापा ; मगर, मीना थापा
- Date created:
- [2013]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality, Human and civil rights, and Minorities, ethnic and racial groups
- Subject:
- Sex discrimination against women, Women's rights, and Ethnic groups
- Keywords:
- magar, phulkumari thapa, magar, meena thapa, and magar (nepalese people)
42. - पोखरा दर्पण : वार्षिक बुलेटिन, अंक 17, 2068 भाद्र, September 2011 : हाम्रो अभिभाराः स्वच्छ, सुंदर पोखरा
- Pokharā darpaṇa : vārshika buleṭina, aṅka 17, 2068 Bhādra, September 2011 : hāmro abhibhārāḥ svaccha, sundara pokharā
- Creator:
- लम्साल, सोमनाथ ; गुरुङ, पूर्णबहादुर
- Date created:
- [2011]
- Language:
- English and Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Politics and government and Urban issues
- Subject:
- Local government and Urbanization
- Keywords:
- lamsal, somnath, gurung, purnabahadur, municipal government, and pokhara
43. - छलाङ : नेपाल मगर विद्यार्थी संघ, काठमाडौं जिल्ला समितिको प्रकाशन अर्धवार्षिक पत्रिका : वर्ष 2, अंक 3 - 2066
- Chalāṅa : Nepāla Magara Vidyārthī Saṅgha, Kāṭhamāḍauṃ Jillā Samitiko prakāśana ardhavārshika patrikā : varsha 2, aṅka 3 - 2066
- Date created:
- [2009]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Ethnic groups, Indigenous peoples, and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- magar (nepalese people)
44. - हाम्रो रोधीं : त्रैमासिक : भाषा, कला र संस्कृतिको पहिचान : के हो संविधान सभा?
- Hāmro rodhīṃ : traimāsika : bhāshā, kalā ra saṃskr̥tiko pahicāna : ke ho saṃvidhāna sabhā?
- Alternative title:
- 'Hāmro rodhī' Asāra, 2063 and 'Hamro rodhi' : year-4, vol.-12 June, 2006 (Asar), dog year
- Creator:
- Gurung, Golman
- Date created:
- 2006
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Politics and government and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Constitutions and Politics and government
45. - प्राची : संचेतना द्वैमासिक : वर्ष 19, पूर्णाङ 77, वैशाख 2069 : मानवका लागि मानवअधिकार, मानवअधिकारका लागि उपयुक्त संस्कृति
- Prācī : sañcetanā dvaimāsika : varsha 19, pūrṇāṅa 77, vaiśākha 2069 : mānavakā lāgi mānavaadhikāra, mānavaadhikārakā lāgi upayukta saṃskr̥ti
- Creator:
- पौडेल, मदन
- Date created:
- [2012]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Human and civil rights and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Human rights--Law and legislation and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- paudel, madan
46. - प्राची : संचेतना द्वैमासिक, वर्ष 18, पूर्णाङ 76, मङ्सिर 2068 : मानवका लागि मानवअधिकार, मानवअधिकारका लागि उपयुक्त संस्कृति
- Prācī : sañcetanā dvaimāsika, varsha 18, pūrṇāṅa 76, Maṅsira 2068 : mānavakā lāgi mānavaadhikāra, mānavaadhikārakā lāgi upayukta saṃskr̥ti
- Creator:
- पौडेल, मदन
- Date created:
- [2011]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Human and civil rights and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Human rights--Law and legislation and Laws
- Keywords:
- paudel, madan
47. - भावी संविधान र महिला सशक्तीकरण
- Bhāvī saṃvidhāna ra mahilā saśaktīkaraṇa
- Creator:
- आचार्य, मीना ; सापकोटा, भवानी
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality, Human and civil rights, and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Sex discrimination against women, Women's rights, and Economic and social development
48. - लैंगिक समानता कायम गर्न केही नेपाल ऐन संशोधन गर्न बनेको ऐन, 2063, मानव बेचविखन तथा ओसारपसार (नियंत्रण) गर्ने संबंधमा व्यवस्था गर्न बनेको ऐन 2064 तथा नियमावली 2065, घरेलु हिंसा (कसुर र सजाय) ऐन, 2066 तथा नियमावली 2067, लैंगिक हिंसा निवारण कोष (संचालन) नियमावली, 2067
- Laiṅgika samānatā kāyama garna kehī Nepāla aina saṃśodhana garna baneko Aina, 2063, mānava becavikhana tathā osārapasāra (niyantraṇa) garne sambandhamā vyavasthā garna baneko Aina 2064 tathā Niyamāvalī 2065, Gharelu Hiṃsā (kasura ra sajāya) Aina, 2066 tathā Niyamāvalī 2067, Laiṅgika Hiṃsā nivāraṇa kosha (sañcālana) Niyamāvalī, 2067
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality and Human and civil rights
- Subject:
- Domestic violence and Human trafficking
- Keywords:
- sociology and equality
49. - मानव बेचबिखन बिशेष गरी महिला तथा बालबालिकाहरुको बेचविखन तथा ओसारपसार विरुद्धको राष्ट्रिय कार्ययोजना, 2068
- Mānava becabikhana biśesha garī mahilā tathā bālabālikāharuko becavikhana tathā osārapasāra viruddhako rāshṭriya kāryayojanā, 2068
- Date created:
- 2011
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Children and youth, Gender and sexuality, Human and civil rights, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Children--Crimes against, Women--Crimes against, Human trafficking, and Government policy
50. - छारम्हेंदो मुखपत्र : आदिवासीहरूको महान पर्व ल्होछार : वर्ष 11 / year 11, महेंदो 28 / issue 28, 2838 ता ल्हो / horse lunar year 2838, फागुन 2058 / February, 2002
- Chāramhendo mukhapatra : ādivāsīharūko mahāna parva Lhochāra : varsha 11 / year 11, mahendo 28 / issue 28, 2838 tā lho / horse lunar year 2838, phāguna 2058 / February, 2002
- Alternative title:
- Tshar-men-do
- Creator:
- तामाङ, परशुराम ; तामाङ, सोमबहादुर
- Date created:
- 2002
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Minorities, ethnic and racial groups
- Subject:
- Festivals, Ethnic groups, and Indigenous peoples
- Keywords:
- tāmāṅga, paraśurāma, tamang, parshuram, tamang, sombahadur, tamang (nepalese people), and social life and customs
51. - छार म्हेंदो मुखपत्र, अंक 30 : बृहत् ताम्सालीङ राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिक संमेलनद्वारा पारित काठमाडौं घोषणापत्र 2064
- Chāra Mhendo mukhapatra, aṅka 30 : br̥hat Tāmsālīṅa rāshṭriya rājanītika sammelanadvārā pārita Kāṭhamāḍauṃ ghoshaṇāpatra 2064
- Alternative title:
- Tshar-men-do and Chāramhendo, barsha 17 aṅka 30 (viśesha) 2844 jivā jho / bhadau, 2065
- Creator:
- नेपाल तामाङ घेदुङ, केद्रीय सचिवालय
- Date created:
- 2008
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Ethnic groups, Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc., and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- nepal tamang ghedung, tamang (nepalese people), and social life and customs
52. - कानुनी सहायकहरुका लागि हाते पुस्तिका
- Kānunī sahāyakaharukā lāgi hāte pustikā
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Labor
- Subject:
- Labor laws and legislation
53. - जननायक बी. पी. कोइरालाको प्रजातांत्रिक समाजवाद संबंधि अवधारणा
- Jananāyaka Bī. Pī. Koirālāko prajātāntrika samājavāda sambandhi avadhāraṇā
- Alternative title:
- Prajātāntrika samājavāda sambandhi avadhāraṇā
- Creator:
- कोइराला, बी. पी.
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Politics and government, Politics and government, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Democracy, Politics and government, and Socialism
- Keywords:
- koirālā, viśveśvara prasāda and koirala, b. p.
54. - लघु स्वास्थ बिमा कार्यक्रम संबंधी संक्षिप्त परिचय
- Laghu svāstha bimā kāryakrama sambandhī saṅkshipta paricaya
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Health, Health, and Labor
- Subject:
- Health policy, Medical care, and Labor laws and legislation
55. - साझा नीतिनिर्माणका प्रयत्नहरू
- Sājhā nītinirmāṇakā prayatnaharū
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Labor and Labor
- Subject:
- Labor laws and legislation and Labor unions
56. - जानकारी पत्र : घरेलु हिंसा (कसुर र सजाय) ऐन, 2066 तथा घरेलु हिंसा (कसुर र सजाय) नियमावली, 2067
- Jānakārī patra : gharelu hiṃsā (kasura ra sajāya) Aina, 2066 tathā gharelu hiṃsā (kasura ra sajāya) niyamāvalī, 2067
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality, Gender and sexuality, and Gender and sexuality
- Subject:
- Domestic violence, Women--Crimes against, and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
57. - नेपाल ट्रेड युनियन काँग्रेस र सामाजिक सुरक्षा
- Nepāla Ṭreḍa Yuniyana Kān̐gresa ra sāmājika surakshā
- Date created:
- 2063 [2006]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Labor, Labor, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Industries and industrial policy, Labor unions, and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- nepal trade union congress
59. - नेपाल ट्रेड युनियन आंदोलन आजको आवश्यकता : नेपाल ट्रेड युनियन काँग्रेसको अवधारणा
- Nepāla Ṭreḍa Yuniyana āndolana ājako āvaśyakatā : Nepāla Ṭreḍa Yuniyana Kān̐gresako avadhāraṇā
- Alternative title:
- Ekala Ṭreḍa Yuniyana āndolana ājako āvaśyakatā
- Date created:
- 2063 [2006]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Labor and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Labor unions and Social movements
60. - वर्तमान श्रमबजार : ट्रेडयुनियन संरचना र सामूहिक सौदाबाजी
- Vartamāna śramabajāra : ṭreḍayuniyana saṃracanā ra sāmūhika saudābājī
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Labor and Labor
- Subject:
- Labor laws and legislation and Labor unions--Political activity
61. - कृषि-क्लिनिक एवं कृषि-व्यापार केंद्र : अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न
- Language:
- Hindi
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Agrarian and rural issues and Economics
- Subject:
- Agriculture and state and Banks and banking
- Keywords:
- agricultural credit
62. - तमु मंच : वर्ष 3, पूर्णांक 14, चैत-जेठ, 2064
- Tamu mañca : varsha 3, pūrṇāṅka 14, Caita-Jeṭha, 2064
- Creator:
- गुरुङ, खड्ग
- Date created:
- [2008]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Minorities, ethnic and racial groups
- Subject:
- Culture, Ethnic groups, and Indigenous peoples
- Keywords:
- gurung, khadga, gurung (nepalese people), and social life and customs
63. - दोस्रो अंतर्राष्ट्रिय तामाङ संमेलन, सन् 2005 : स्मारिका
- Dosro Antarrāshṭriya Tāmāṅa Sammelana, san 2005 : smārikā
- Creator:
- अंतर्राष्ट्रिय तामाङ संमेलन (2nd : 2005 : Darjeeling, India)
- Date created:
- 2006
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Ethnic groups and Community development
- Keywords:
- tamang (nepalese people) and social life and customs
64. - नेपाल तामाङ विद्यार्थी घेदुङ औं स्थापना दिवस : स्मारिका-2060
- Nepāla Tāmāṅa Vidyārthī Gheduṅa auṃ sthāpanā divasa : smārikā-2060
- Alternative title:
- Ne-pal Tā-mang Ṭa-b Ghe-dung
- Creator:
- तामाङ, मोहन सि. ; तामाङ, विजय लोप्चन ; तामाङ, अंजु
- Date created:
- [2003]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Education, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Minorities, ethnic and racial groups
- Subject:
- Education, Ethnic groups, and Indigenous peoples
- Keywords:
- tamang, mohan c., tamang, vijay lopcan, tamang, anju, tamang (nepalese people), and social life and customs
65. - नयाँ शक्ति पार्टी, नेपालको प्रतिवद्धतापत्र : स्थानीय तह निर्वाचन-2074
- Nayām̐ Śakti Pārṭī, Nepālako prativaddhatāpatra : sthānīya taha nirvācana-2074
- Alternative title:
- Nayām̐ Śakti Pārṭī, Nepālako pratibaddhatāpatra
- Creator:
- नयाँ शक्ति पार्टी, नेपाल
- Date created:
- [2017]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Politics and government and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Political parties and Politics and government
- Keywords:
- naya shakti party
66. - महिला विरुद्ध हुने सबै प्रकारका भेदभाव उन्मूलन गर्ने महासंधि अंतर्गतको नेपालको चौथो र पाचौँ संयुक्त आवधिक प्रतिवेदनमाथि महिला विरूद्ध भेदभाव उन्मूलन समितिले दिएको : निष्कर्ष सुझाव
- Mahilā viruddha hune sabai prakārakā bhedabhāva unmūlana garne mahāsandhi antargatako Nepālako cautho ra pān̐cauṃ saṃyukta āvadhika prativedanamāthi mahilā virūddha bhedabhāva unmūlana samitile dieko : nishkarsha sujhāva
- Date created:
- [2011]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality and Gender and sexuality
- Subject:
- Sex discrimination against women and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
67. - अंतर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक स्मृति दिवस (28 अप्रिल)
- Antarrāshṭriya Śramika Smr̥ti Divasa (28 Aprila)
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Health and Labor
- Subject:
- Medical care and Labor laws and legislation
- Keywords:
- industrial accidents
68. - परित्राण-महापरित्राण : छोटो चिनारी
- Paritrāṇa-mahāparitrāṇa : choṭo cinārī
- Creator:
- सद्धंम कोविद, भिक्षु संघरक्षित
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Arts and culture and Religion
- Subject:
- Literature and Buddhism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita, bhikshu and saddhamma kovida, bhikshu saṅgharakshita sthavira
69. - रहस्य : सुख-शांतिको : प्रेरक कथा
- Rahasya : sukha-śāntiko : preraka kathā
- Creator:
- संघरक्षित, भिक्षु
- Date created:
- 2013
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Arts and culture, History, and Religion
- Subject:
- Literature, Biography, and Buddhism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita sthavira, bhikshu
71. - दलित संदेश : विचार प्रधान मासिक : वर्ष 3, अंक 10, फागुन, 2068
- Dalita sandeśa : vicāra pradhāna māsika : varsha 3, aṅka 10, Phāguna, 2068
- Creator:
- रम्तेल, परशुराम ; विश्वकर्मा, रामलाल
- Date created:
- [2012]
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- History, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- History, Dalits, Minorities--Political activity, and War
- Keywords:
- ramtel, parshuram, vishwakarma, ramlal, and civil war
72. - धर्म मरेको छैन
- Dharma mareko chaina
- Creator:
- अश्वघोष, भिक्षु ; संघाराम ; संघरक्षित, भिक्षु
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Arts and culture and Religion
- Subject:
- Literature and Buddhism
- Keywords:
- ashwaghosh, bhikshu and sangharam
73. - धंमपद बुद्धको अमृतोपदेश
- Dhammapada Buddhako amr̥topadeśa
- Creator:
- संघरक्षित, भिक्षु
- Date created:
- 2013
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Religion, and Religion
- Subject:
- Literature, Buddhism, and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita sthavira, bhikshu
74. - दान शील भावना
- Dāna śīla bhāvanā
- Alternative title:
- Dan shil bhawana
- Creator:
- सद्धंम कोविद, भिक्षु संघरक्षित
- Date created:
- 2013
- Language:
- Nepali
- Coverage:
- Nepal
- Category:
- Arts and culture and Religion
- Subject:
- Literature and Buddhism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita, bhikshu and saddhamma kovid, bhikshu sangharakshit sthavir
75. - दुःख र दुःखमुक्त धर्म श्रेष्ठ
- Duḥkha ra duḥkhamukta dharma śreshṭha
- Alternative title:
- Dukha ra dukhamukta dharma shrestha
- Creator:
- सद्धंम कोविद, भिक्षु संघरक्षित
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Buddhism and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita, bhikshu and saddhamma kovid, bhikshu sangharakshit sthavir
79. - पंचशील प्रार्थना : नेपाली अर्थसहित
- Pañcaśīla prārthanā : Nepālī arthasahita
- Creator:
- संघरक्षित, भिक्षु
- Date created:
- 2013
- Language:
- Nepali and Pali
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Buddhism and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita sthavira, bhikshu
80. - धर्म-ज्ञान
- Dharma-jñāna
- Creator:
- संघरक्षित, भिक्षु
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- Nepali
- Category:
- Religion and Religion
- Subject:
- Buddhism and Spiritualism
- Keywords:
- saṅgharakshita sthavira, bhikshu
81. - National Museum of Maldives
- A look into the history and identity of the island nation
- Date range:
- approximately 2008-2018
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Maldives
- Category:
- Arts and culture and Arts and culture
- Subject:
- Museum exhibits and Museums
82. - Maldives operational review 2012: progress, challenges and way forward
- Alternative title:
- ICPD beyond 2014
- Date range:
- approximately 2012-2014
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Maldives
- Category:
- Gender and sexuality, Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Socioeconomic conditions and development, Sociology, Urban issues, and Urban issues
- Subject:
- Gender, Minorities--Population, Social policy, Families, City planning, and Urban population
83. - Enabling state programme
- Alternative title:
- Political inclusion, inclusive policies, access to justice, democratic governance, decentralization, anti corruption, constituent assembly, rights advocacy
- Date created:
- 2008
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India and Nepal
- Category:
- Politics and government, Politics and government, Politics and government, Socioeconomic conditions and development, and Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Democracy, Government policy, Public administration, Community development, and Social justice
84. - What everyone needs: a do-it-yourself environment conservation guide
- Creator:
- Kusum Choppra
- Date created:
- 2008
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Climate change, Community development--Environmental aspects, Conservation of natural resources, and Nature conservation
85. - Capacity building of the community on climate change adaptation
- Date created:
- 2010
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Bangladesh
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Climate change, Community development--Environmental aspects, Environment, Environmental policy, and Environmental protection
86. - Democracy in plural societies: problems and solutions
- Creator:
- David Miller
- Date created:
- 2015
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Category:
- Minorities, ethnic and racial groups, Politics and government, and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Minorities--Politics and government, Democracy, and Political participation
87. - National Innovation Council: towards a more inclusive and innovative India
- Alternative title:
- Innovation councils, national innovation portal, inclusive innovation fund, discourse, inclusion, roadmap for a decade of innovation, platform, drivers
- Date created:
- 2010
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Politics and government and Science and Technology
- Subject:
- Government policy and Science and technology
88. - Dignity through democracy and human rights
- Creator:
- Roland Rich
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Human and civil rights and Politics and government
- Subject:
- Human rights and Democracy
89. - Sequential steps for empowering community organisations: cost benefit approach to local developments
- Creator:
- Anil C. Shah
- Date created:
- 2009
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Socioeconomic conditions and development
- Subject:
- Community development
90. - Delhi the dark capital? Synopsis of report on sustainable street lighting
- Creator:
- National Institute of Urban Affairs
- Date range:
- approximately 2014-2016
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Socioeconomic conditions and development, Urban issues, and Urban issues
- Subject:
- Energy policy, Sustainable development, Public safety, Cities, and Crime
91. - Triange of trust: principles - AGCO/MF. Millat & Farmers
- Date created:
- 2008
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Agrarian and rural issues and Economics
- Subject:
- Agricultural technology and Business
- Keywords:
- tractors
92. - Protected area update: news and information from protected areas in India and South Asia
- Creator:
- Pankaj Sekhsaria
- Date created:
- 2017
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Ecology, Environmental protection, Forests and forestry, Nature conservation, and Wildlife conservation
93. - Dirty talking? Case for telecom to shift from diesel to renewable
- Creator:
- Sanjiv Gopal and Mrinmoy Chattaraj
- Date created:
- 2011
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Science and Technology
- Subject:
- Climate change, Energy conservation, Energy policy, Environmental protection, Green technology, Renewable energy resources, and Energy Technology
94. - Water for a better life: people's movement for regeneration
- Alternative title:
- A case study of accomplishments under the Enviornment Educational and Action Program
- Creator:
- Cherukuri Indira Dasgupta
- Date created:
- 2001
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Community development--Environmental aspects, Conservation of natural resources, Water resources, and Water use
95. - Then one day, a miracle happened: water came home
- Alternative title:
- Since I was eight years old, I had walked thousands of kilometers to fetch water
- Date created:
- 2015
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Agrarian and rural issues and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Famines and Water resources
- Keywords:
- water conservation
96. - Talk on sustainable development & transport
- Creator:
- Enrique Penalosa
- Date range:
- approximately 2006-2016
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- Pakistan
- Category:
- Politics and government, Urban issues, Urban issues, Urban issues, and Urban issues
- Subject:
- Transportation, City planning, Public works, Urban transportation, and Urbanization
97. - Chharidhandh Conservation Reserve: a nature paradise
- Creator:
- Rohit M. Patel, Nikunj B. Gajera, L.J. Parmar, and R.V. Asari
- Date created:
- 2016
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India and India--Gujarat
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Biodiversity, Conservation of natural resources, Ecology, Nature conservation, and Wildlife conservation
98. - Environmental initiatives of Shri Pawan Chamling
- Alternative title:
- Hon'ble chief minister of Sikkim: a glance (1995 to 2016)
- Date created:
- 2016
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India and India--Sikkim
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Biodiversity, Conservation of natural resources, and Environmental protection
99. - Shilpotsav 2012
- Creator:
- Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
- Date created:
- 2012
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Arts and culture, Arts and culture, Health, and Sociology
- Subject:
- Arts, Culture, People with disabilities, and Caste
100. - Inter basin water transfer proposals of Par-Tapi-Narmada and Damanganga-Pinjal Links
- Alternative title:
- Efficient use of water - key to prosperity
- Date created:
- 2010
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- India
- Category:
- Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, Environment and ecology, and Environment and ecology
- Subject:
- Community development--Environmental aspects, Conservation of natural resources, Water resources, and Water use