Sinclair Hamilton (Class of 1906) Collection of American Illustrated Books

[H]umble though they be, many of our early woodcuts are delightful and have a fascination that the more grandiose intaglio prints lack.

Sinclair Hamilton

The collection was assembled by Sinclair Hamilton (1884–1978) with the intention of showing the development of early book illustration in the United States. Its main subdivisions are: 17th and 18th century: relief cuts on wood, and engravings on metal; 19th century: main emphasis on wood engraving.

Work of more than 700 illustrators, engravers, and firms are present in the collection, and more than 200 18th-century publications. Hammatt Billings, F.O.C. Darley, Winslow Homer, Augustus Hoppin, John McLelan, Thomas Nast, and David Hunter Strother. Special importance lies in the fact that many forgotten 19th century illustrators are represented. More than 3000 books, broadsides, and other materials.

The Library published a catalogue of the collection: Sinclair Hamilton, Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 1670-1870 (Princeton, 1958 and 1968), 2 vols. Volume II (1968) indicates that since Volume I (1958) appeared over 700 items, including the work of more than 80 additional illustrators, have been added. Volume III is available in typescript.

Further Reading

Hamilton, Sinclair, Robert H. Taylor, and A. Hyatt Mayor. “SINCLAIR HAMILTON 1884-1978.The Princeton University Library Chronicle 40, no. 2 (1979): 183–86.

Griffin, Gillett G. “The Development of Woodcut Printing in America.The Princeton University Library Chronicle 20, no. 1 (1958): 7–17.

Lawall, David B. “American Painters as Book Illustrators 1810-1870.The Princeton University Library Chronicle20, no. 1 (1958): 18–28.

Rice, Howard C. “Soundings in the Sinclair Hamilton Collection.The Princeton University Library Chronicle 20, no. 1 (1958): 29–38.

Griffin, Gillett G. “Recent Additions to the Sinclair Hamilton Collection of American Illustrated Books.The Princeton University Library Chronicle 24, no. 2 (1963): 143–44.

Roylance, Dale. “The Graphic Art of Children’s Book Illustration in America, 1840-1880.The Princeton University Library Chronicle 45, no. 3 (1984): 256–66.

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(by Julie Mellby unless otherwise noted)