Standard Widgets
Standard Widget Descriptions thanks to Stanford Libraries.
Heading: enables you to add headings to your page.
Text: enables you to add blocks of text, such as a paragraph.
List: available for when you want to present a bulleted list (i.e., an unordered list).
Quote: intended specifically for situations where you want to show a quotation and the quotation attribution. Enter these separately in the widget and they are styled appropriately for you.
iFrame: embeds <iframe> share from an external website (like Knightlab) within the exhibit page.
Video: embeds a video from an external website within the exhibit page.
Embed + Text: embeds an oEmbed-supported web resource and a text block to the left or right of it. Examples of oEmbed-supported resources include those from YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, and SlideShare.
Horizontal Rule: inserts a horizontal line to separate parts of the exhibit page.
Uploaded Item Row: displays up to 1-5 items manually uploaded by the exhibit creator (not added from the SDR) in a horizontal row. Optionally, you can add a heading and/or text to be displayed adjacent to the items.
Video Demo for Standard Widgets