Exhibit Item Widgets
Exhibit Item Widget Descriptions thanks to Stanford Libraries.
Browse Categories: highlights exhibit browse categories. Each highlighted category (displayed as the browse tile) links to the corresponding browse category results page. The check box can be used to hide or reveal the number of items in the category.
Saved Searches: highlights saved searches. Each highlighted saved search links to the search results page generated by the saved search parameters. Any saved search listed on the Curation > Browse Categories page, whether published or not, can be highlighted as a saved search.
Pages: highlights previously created exhibit feature pages. Each selected feature page is displayed as a tile with a thumbnail image you have previously selected, and it links to the corresponding page.
Item Row: displays up to 3-5 exhibit items in a horizontal row. Optionally, you can add a heading and/or text to be displayed adjacent to the items. Caption options allow for up to 2 metadata elements to be displayed with an image.
Item Carousel: displays two or more exhibit items in a carousel. You can configure the item captions, how the images are cycled, and the height of the carousel.
Item Embed: displays s a single item in an embed viewer. Optionally, you can add a heading and/or text to be displayed adjacent to the items.
Item Slideshow: displays exhibit items in a static slideshow. An exhibit visitor can navigate between items in the slideshow using the field you select as the primary caption.
Item Grid: displays exhibit items in a grid formation of two or more rows. Optionally, you can add a heading and/or text to be displayed adjacent to the items.
Search Results: displays a set of search results on a page. Specify a search result set by selecting an existing browse category. You can also select the view types that are available to the user when viewing the result set.
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