2. Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah and Kippur, or; The Sabbath, the beginning of the year, and the Day of Atonements; with the Amidah and Musaph of the Moadim, or solemn seasons, according to the order of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
3. Polybij Megalopolitani Historiarum libri priores quinque, Nicolao Perotto Episcopo Sipontino interprete. Item, epitome sequentium librorum usque ad decimumseptimum, Wolfgango Musculo interprete. Basel: Johannes Hervagius, [1549].
4. Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651–1695). Segundo tomo de las obras de soror Juana Inés de la Cruz, monja professa en el monasterio del señor San Geronimo en la ciudad de Mexico. Barcelona: Joseph Llopis, 1693.
5. Claudii Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis libri octo. Translated into Latin by Willibald Pirckheimer (1740–1530). Strasbourg: Johannes Grüninger, with Johannes Koberger, 1525.
6. Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651–1695). Fama, y obras posthumas del fenix de Mexico, decima musa, poetisa americana, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, religiosa professa en el convento de San Geronimo de la imperial ciudad de Mexico. Madrid: Manuel Ruiz de Murga, 1700.
8. Claudii Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis libri octo. Translated into Latin by Willibald Pirckheimer (1740–1530). Strasbourg: Johannes Grüninger, with Johannes Koberger, 1525.
9. Photographic postcards of African soldiers. [France, Belgium, and colonized Africa, ca. 1905–1920].
10. Evening Service of Roshashanah, and Kippur: or the Beginning of the Year and The Day of Atonement. New York: W. Weyman, 1761.