Digital Collections & Initiatives at Princeton University Library
In support of Princeton University Library's mission and vision, Digital Collections and Initiatives provides online gateways to support teaching, research, and expanded usage of PUL’s collections. While Princeton faculty, researchers, and students are our primary audience, we also seek to democratize access to rare and unique resources that would otherwise be visible only to those able to physically visit the Library.
This exhibition uses Digital PUL for digital collections and online exhibitions at PUL. Built on a platform that was developed in collaboration with several of our peer research institutions, Digital PUL provides a new home for our ever-growing number of thematic digital collections and exhibitions, as well as accompanying content from librarians, curators, and other subject experts.
Facilitating the reuse of our digitized content is one of our primary goals. By leveraging the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) family of standards, users are able to access content from PUL’s digital repository via the many portals they already use for discovery, including the online catalog, digital collections and exhibitions, finding aids, and other research projects.
This is, however, only one of several portals through which Princeton’s rich set of digitized material is available: we also have specialized portals for thousands of historic and contemporary maps, hundreds of issues of regional newspapers, tens of thousands of pages of archival documents, and ephemeral material from around the world.
For more information on the Library's Digital Collection's and Initiatives, please visit our Library microsite at