- Доска соревнования на ликвидацию прорыва / С. Маршак ; рисунки В. Лебедева.
- Doska sorevnovanii︠a︡ na likvidat︠s︡ii︠u︡ proryva / S. Marshak ; risunki V. Lebedeva.
- Created:
- 1931-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1931
- Abstract:
- Soviet factory workers work hard to fulfill the first Five-Year Plan. The blacksmiths and foundry-workers are rewarded for their labor with fast planes and cars. They are contrasted with idlers who drink and waste time. The title of the poem refers to the "gap" between the Soviet Union and Western industrialized countries such as the United States. The first Five-Year Plan was intended to increase Soviet productivity so it would not lag behind other countries.
- Collections:
- Cotsen Children's Library
- Soviet Era Books for Children and Youth
- Princeton Slavic Collections
- Lloyd E. Cotsen
- Edm rights:
- No Known Copyright
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/gq67jt95d
- Title:
- Доска соревнования на ликвидацию прорыва / С. Маршак ; рисунки В. Лебедева.
- Doska sorevnovanii︠a︡ na likvidat︠s︡ii︠u︡ proryva / S. Marshak ; risunki V. Lebedeva.
- Language:
- Russian
- Call number:
- Pams / NR 20 / Cyrillic / Box 11 3404
- Extent:
- 20 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
- Format:
- Book
- Type:
- Illustrated works
- Poetry
- Description:
- Cotsen copy: Bookplate of FAB on front wrapper verso.
- Translated title: The Competition Plaque For the Liquidation of Work Stoppages.
- Celebration in verse of various successful workers' collectives during the first 5-Year Plan.
- Publisher:
- Moskva ; Leningrad : Molodai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡, OGIZ, 1931.
- Москва ; Ленинград : Молодая гвардия, ОГИЗ, 1931.
- Subject:
- Work ethic—Soviet Union—Juvenile poetry
- Labor—Soviet Union—Juvenile poetry
- Industrialization—Soviet Union—Juvenile poetry
- Illustrated works
- Juvenile literature—Soviet Union—20th century
- Lithographs
- Poetry
- Illustrator:
- Lebedev, Vladimir Vasilʹevich, 1891-1967
- Лебедев, Владимир Васильевич, 1891-1967
- Creator:
- Marshak, S. (Samuil), 1887-1964
- Маршак, С. (Самуил), 1887-1964
- Author:
- Marshak, S. (Samuil), 1887-1964
- Spatial:
- Russia. Russian Empire. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics
- Binding note:
- Pub. ivory color-printed pictorial wrappers.
- Location:
- Special Collections Pams / NR 20 / Cyrillic / Box 11 3404
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