- Das Märchen vom gestiefelten Kater / in den Bearbeitungen von Straparola, Basile, Perrault und Ludwig Tieck ; mit zwölf Radirungen von Otto Speckter.
- Created:
- 1843-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1843
- Collections:
- Cotsen Children's Library
- Collections Donated to Princeton University Library
- Lloyd E. Cotsen
- Edm rights:
- No Known Copyright
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/dcjm2151609
- Title:
- Das Märchen vom gestiefelten Kater / in den Bearbeitungen von Straparola, Basile, Perrault und Ludwig Tieck ; mit zwölf Radirungen von Otto Speckter.
- Language:
- German
- Call number:
- Euro 19 33605
- Extent:
- x, 112 p., [1],12 leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Format:
- Book
- Type:
- Fiction
- Description:
- Historiated border to added title depicts the stages in the life of the cat, from kittenhood to the achievements of his adult life and the memorial erected after his death.
- In 1844, Brockhaus issued Speckter's illustrations and their accompanying text separately. See Speckter, Zwölf Radirungen zum Gestiefelten Kater.
- Princeton copy 1 Pub. brown embossed cloth, rebacked, and cream endpapers.
- Princeton copy 2 Contemporary green cloth and pink endpapers.
- Publisher:
- Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus, 1843.
- Subject:
- Cats—Juvenile fiction
- Fairy tales—Germany
- Fiction
- Range label:
- Logical
- Contributor:
- F.A. Brockhaus Verlag Leipzig
- Alternative:
- Gestiefelte Kater
- Spatial:
- Germany
- References:
- Wegehaupt, H. Alte deutsche Kinderbücher 1507-1850, 1359
- Location:
- Special Collections Euro 19 33605
- View in catalog:
- Scopenote:
- Plates 4 and 10