Shāh Kāshān
Shāh Kāshān, known also as Sayyid Muḥammad Iṣfahānī, is a figure that is often claimed as an ancestor among the families of the khalīfahs, or those who served immediately under the pīrs and were responsibility for much of the day-to-day religious work of the Ismāʿīlī community of Badakhshan. Most traditions claim that he traveled from Iran to Badakhshan as a companion to Shāh Khāmūsh in the eleventh century (Bobrinskoĭ; Gross). However, the late Badakhshani scholar Abusaid Shokhumorov, on the basis of a unavailable manuscript source, argued that he came to Badakhshan in the sixteenth century (see his introduction to BMP023).
Bobrinskoĭ, Alekseĭ A. Sekta Ismail’ia v bukharskikh predelakh Sredneĭ Azii. Moscow: 1902.
Gross, Jo-Ann. "Foundational Legends, Shrines, and Ismāʿīlī Identity in Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan." In Muslims and Others in Sacred Space, ed. Margaret Cormack (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013): 164-92.