
Basid is a village located in the Bartang valley in the Rushon region of Badakhshan, Tajikistan. The village is known for having the largest shrine in the valley, dedicated to a figure named Khwājah Nūr al-Dīn (Khoja Nuriddin). Local traditions hold that he came to Badakhshan from Iran, that he had the ability to transform into a bird and fly through the air, and that he defeated a dragon that was terrorizing the people of Basid (Gornenskiĭ 92-94; Zarubin 139-41). He is also said to have a disciple and companion by the name of Khwājah ʿArab Khurāsānī, whose genealogy is also recorded in a document posted at the shrine in Basid. The genealogies of both Khwājah Nūr al-Dīn and Khwājah ʿArab Khurāsānī are traced through the figure of Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanafiyya, a son of ʿAli. The figure of Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanafiyya appears in a wide range of genealogical and narrative traditions throughout Central Asia, often in connection with narratives of Islamization such as those associated with Khwājah Nūr al-Dīn (DeWeese and Muminov 274-83).


DeWeese, Devin, and Ashirbek Muminov, eds. Islamization and Sacred Lineages in Central Asia: The Legacy of Ishaq Bab in Narrative and Genealogical Traditions, Vol. 1: Opening the Way for Islam: The lshaq Bab Narrative, 14th-19th Centuries. Almaty: Daik, 2013.

Gornenskiĭ, Ioann. Legendy Pamira i Gindukusha. Moscow: Aleteĭa, 2000.

Zarubin, Ivan I. "Materialy i zametki po ėtnografii gornykh tadzhikov: dolina Bartanga." Sbornik Muzeia Antropologii i Ėtnografii imeni Petra Velikago 5 (1918): 97-148.