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Pakistani film is marked by a number of collectors and individuals committed to archiving its rich history. Below is a list of resources to support research and further enquiry.
- Guddu Film Archive: collector and journalist with accounts on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram that highlight his own archive of posters, photos, storybooks, rare movie magazines, newspapers, rare movie commercials, postcards, movie censor certificates, audio LPs, rare audiocassettes, cinema slides, rare movie calendars, portraits, lux and other product advertisements.
- Khajistan: Led by Saad Khan, Khajistan is an initiative to rescue and digitize overlooked histories from the Islamicate world.
- Pakistan Film Magazine: website of articles, facts and figures on Pakistani and pre-Partition films, artists and film songs.
- Nigar Weekly: long-running Pakistani film magazine with an extensive archive in Karachi.
Notable works on Pakistani film.
- Bioscope : South Asian screen studies
- Film and cinephilia in Pakistan : beyond life and death / edited by Ali Nobil Ahmad, Ali Khan ; foreword by Rachel Dwyer.
- Lahore cinema : between realism and fable / Iftikhar Dadi.
- Loose cannons & dangerous curves : an unholy bible of Pakistani popular cinema / Omar Ali Khan ; edited by Saad Khan.
- Pākistān kī Urdū filmī ṣanʻat : Pī Ec Ḍī ke muqāle kī kitābī tashkīl / ʻAqīl ʻAbbās Jaʻfarī. پاکستان کى اردو فلمى صنعت : پى ايچ ڈى کے مقالے کى کتابى تشکيل / عقيل عبّاس جعفرى
- Pākistānī gumshudah filmen̲ : 1948 tā 1997, Urdū, Panjābī / taḥqīq o taḥrīr, Fayyāẓ Aḥmad Ashʻar. پاکستانى گمشده فلميں : 1948 تا 1997، اردو، پنجابى / تحقيق و تحرير، فيّاض احمد اشعر
- True colors of filmic fairies / Khurshid Alam.
List of Library of Congress subject headings related to Pakistani film. These are linked to Worldcat so that researchers can discover holdings at various institutions.
- Actors—Pakistan
- Actors—Pakistan—Biography
- Actors—Pakistan—Caricatures and cartoons
- Actors—Pakistan—Sindh
- Actors—Pakistan—Sindh—Biography
- Actresses—Pakistan
- Actresses—Pakistan—Biography
- Feature films—Pakistan
- Feature films—Pakistan—Miscellanea
- Feature films—Pakistan—Miscellanea—Pictorial works
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Biography
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Conduct of life
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Interviews
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Portraits
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Sindh
- Motion picture actors and actresses—Pakistan—Sindh—Biography
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan—Directories
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan—History
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan—Periodicals
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan—Sindh
- Motion picture industry—Pakistan—Sindh—History
- Motion picture music—Pakistan
- Motion picture music—Pakistan—Biography
- Motion picture music—Pakistan—History and criticism
- Motion pictures—Pakistan
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Directories
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—History
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—History—20th century
- Motion pictures, Pakistani
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Lahore
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Lahore—History
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Lahore—History—20th century
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Periodicals
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Reviews
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Sindh
- Motion pictures—Pakistan—Sindh—History
- Motion pictures, Urdu
- Motion pictures—Urdu-speaking countries