Exterior view of Blair Tower in color with caption on back: "Blair Hall, with its great tower and arch, was named in honor of John Insley Blair, Trustee and donor of the building. One of Princeton's 26 campus dormitories, Blair Hall was one of the first examples of English Collegiate Gothic architecture in this country." Divided back postcard.
Nassau Post Card Distribution Co., Princeton, N.J.
Exterior view of Blair Tower in color with caption on back: "Blair Hall with its great tower and arch, was named in honor of John Insley Blair, trustee and donor of the building. One of Princeton's 26 campus dormitories, Blair Hall was one of the first examples of English Collegiate Gothic architecture in this country. Ektachrome by William Vandivert." Divided back postcard.
Published by H. M. Hinkson, Stationer, Princeton, N.J., 1928;Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Exterior view of Henry Hall, Blair Tower, Class 1901 Hall, Pyne Hall in black and white. Divided back postcard with addressee, stamp and postmark with message in French
Pub. by Photo Art Co., Trenton, N. J;Dexter Press, Pearl River, N. Y.
Eye-level view of McCosh Walk in color with caption on back: "McCosh Walk, with its great shade trees was named for Princeton's eleventh president, James McCosh (1868-88) with whom it was a favorite walk. It forms part of the axis dividing the older northern part of the campus from the newer southern part and extends from Washington Road directly to the Tiger Gateway between Blair and Little Halls. The building to the right is McCosh Hall used for lectures, preceptorials and departmental offices." Divided back postcard.