- كتاب لب اللباب في تحرير الانساب.
- Kitāb Lubb al-lubāb fī taḥrīr al-ansāb / [---?] Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī.
- Collections:
- Robert Garrett
- Middle East Manuscripts
- Princeton Digital Library of Islamic Manuscripts
- Collections Donated to Princeton University Library
- View in catalog:
- Language:
- Arabic
- Creator:
- Suyūṭī, 1445-1505
- سيوطي
- Call number:
- Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 296H
- Extent:
- 184 leaves : paper ; 180 x 132 (118 x 88) mm. bound to 180 x 143 mm.
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Book
- Description:
- Ms. codex.
- Title from title page (fol. 1a).
- Marginal annotations. Fol. 184 blank.
- Collation: Paper, fol. 184 ; 1¹⁰ ( -1, before fol. 1) 2-17¹⁰ 18¹² (+3, fol. 182-184) ; catchwords ; the quires are numbered using arabic numerals in red ink ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
- Layout: 15 lines per page ; frame-ruled in red.
- Description: Rubricated.
- Paper: Light cream glazed paper with laid and chain lines visible. Fol. 80-99 apparently later replacement.
- Decoration: Illuminated title page in gold, black and green (fol. 1a).
- Origin: Copy completed for himself by Muḥammad ibn Ismaʻīl al-Rajrajāʼī on Sunday 12 Ramaḍān 958 [Sept. 13, 1551] (colophon, fol. 183b).
- Incipit: الحمد لله المتنزه عن الاشباه والانساب واشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ... هذا ما اشتدت اليه حاجة المحدث اللبيب من مختصر في الانساب واف بالمقصود.
- Explicit:بن الياس بن مضر وهذا اخر الكتاب والحمد لله قال مختصره الامام العلامة ابو الفضل جلال الدين السيوطي اختصرته في عشرة ايام متواليه اخرها يوم الاثنين سابع عشر صفر سنة ثلاث وسبعين وثمانماية من نسخة صحيحة مقابلة على اصل ابن الاثير وفي اخرها ما نصه فرغ منه مولفه يوم الثلاثا لعشر بقين من جمادي الاولي سنة خمس عشرة وستماية ... وقد استقصيت انا فى هذا المختصر كثيرا مما فاتهما واستدركت منه جمعا جما وغالب ما زدته من معجم البلدان لياقوت الحموي رحمة الله تعالي عليهم اجمعين و لله الحمد وصلي الله عللا سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم.
- Publisher:
- [1551]
- Subject:
- Names, Personal—Arabic—Early works to 1800
- Arabic language—Etymology—Names—Early works to 1800
- Manuscripts, Arabic—New Jersey—Princeton
- illuminated manuscripts
- Blind tooled bindings
- Stamps
- Autographs
- Spatial:
- New Jersey
- Binding note:
- Type II (with flap) binding in red leather over paper pasteboards. Both covers are have a similar blind-stamped mandorla with pendants on the vertical and horizontal axis and corner pieces enclosed within a frame made of fillets and running patterns. The envelope flap has a portion of the same decoration. Gold-flecked orange paper pastedowns.
- Provenance:
- Several ownership statements and one seal impression fol. 1a, some obliterated, others partly covered by mending of the borders of the page. Obliterated seal impression on fol. 183a. Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
- Several ownership statements and one seal on fol. 1a, some obliterated, others partly covered by mending of the borders of the page. Obliterated seal on fol. 183a. Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
- Source acquisition:
- Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
- References:
- Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 294
- Shaybānī, M. Dalīl makhṭūṭāt al-Suyūṭī (1995), no. 627
- Iqbāl, A. al-Sharqāwī. Maktabat al-Jalāl al-Suyūṭī (1977), no. 561
- Author:
- Suyūṭī, 1445-1505
- Created:
- 1551-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1551
- Abstract:
- Treatise on the patronymics of Arab families.
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/dcxw42nk16q
- Location:
- Special Collections Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 296H
- Edm rights:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Uniform title:
- Lubb al-lubāb fī taḥrīr al-ansāb
- لب اللباب في تحرير الانساب
- Range label:
- Logical
- Scribe:
- Rajrajāʼī, Muḥammad ibn Ismaʻīl, active 16th century
- Contributor:
- رجرجائي، محمد بن اسمعيل، active 16th century
- Princeton University. Library. Manuscript. Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 296H
- Donor:
- Garrett, Robert, 1875-1961
- Available online: