- The Human Face
- Collections:
- Edm rights:
- In Copyright
- Creator:
- Ray, Mikhail
- Barcode:
- 00000000000000
- Label:
- Folder Ray_27
- Is part of:
- Ukrainian Art in Times of War: 2014-
- Coverage:
- Ukraine
- Format:
- Paintings
- Origin place:
- Ukraine
- Language:
- English
- Subject:
- Artists
- Arts
- War
- Category:
- Arts and culture
- Arts and culture
- Politics and government
- Description:
- Description provided by artist:
- "October 19. The Human Face. Some day during the most special military operation in the history of mankind, demilitarization mutated into de-industrialization and de-electrification by all means: Iranian kamikaze “scooters”, irons, hammers, and padded jackets. Probably, now and during the winter, Russian TV will show frightened and freezing Ukraine, and therefore they are investing in news that should please the viewer. Like everything else that is done as part of this strange event, this performance is intended for the domestic Russian consumer. It is done in order to squeeze a little more anger-pus from the exhausted and apathetic swamp of jingoistic patriots, on which the foundation of Russian power stands.
- "There are no winners in war, only losers." The phrase belongs to Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1937-1940. He pursued a policy of appeasing the aggressor, making concessions to Hitler and Mussolini in the hope of bargaining for peace. What came out of it, you probably know. It is noteworthy that years later, Western politicians did exactly the same with the same result. In war, there are definitely winners and losers. On both warring sides. The winners were able to distinguish truth from lies and follow it against all odds. The winners were able to overcome their fear. The winners realized that only by uniting with others did they have a chance, they set conflicts (and especially language ones) and personal ambitions aside, while the losers cared only about themselves. The winners gained faith. In themselves, in a higher force, in justice, and in pure intention. The winners were able to accept new circumstances and the bitterness of loss. The winner, despite all the horrors of the war, was able to remain human. And the most tragic defeat is to lose a human face. It is much easier than it seems. Not only on the battlefield, but also in front of the screen. When we stop seeing the enemy as a human being, we become what we fight against. Confused, vicious, cruel, and stupid, but still human. In many ways the peace after the war will depend on us. Will we fight each other when there are no external enemies? Will the defeated enemy prepare for revenge or learn to be like us?"
- Photography, digital art, mixed technique.
- Height:
- 90
- Width:
- 100
- Sort title:
- human face
- Page count:
- 1
- Created:
- 05/23/24 05:53:10 PM UTC
- Modified:
- 06/12/24 05:51:30 PM UTC
- Folder number:
- Ray_27
- Date created:
- 2022
- Series:
- The Storyteller: War Diary of Mikhail Ray