- ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ (2005 වසරේ ඉදිරි මග ගැන විමසුමක්)
- Janatā Vimukti Peramuṇa (2005 vasarē idiri maga găna vimasumak)
- Sort title:
- ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ (2005 වසරේ ඉදිරි මග ගැන විමසුමක්)
- Transliterated title:
- Janatā Vimukti Peramuṇa (2005 vasarē idiri maga găna vimasumak)
- Creator:
- Dr. Wickramabahu Karunarathna
- Contributor:
- Ācārya Vikramabāhu Karuṇāratna
- Publisher:
- Colombo :
- අධ්යාපන මණ්ඩලය - නව වාමාංශික පෙරමුණ (Board of Education - New Leftist Front/ Nawa Wāmanshika Peramuna)
- Adhyāpana Maṇḍalaya - Nava Vāmāṁśika Peramuṇa
- Date created:
- 2004
- Language:
- Coverage:
- Sri Lanka
- Origin place:
- Sri Lanka
- Subject:
- Keywords:
- Description:
- Contributor-provided translation of title: People's Liberation Front (an inquiry upon the way forward in 2005)
- Height:
- 20.32
- Width:
- 13.716
- Page count:
- 22
- Provenance:
- Is part of:
- South Asian Ephemera
- Collections:
- Dissidents and Activists in Sri Lanka, 1960s to 1990
- South Asian Ephemera
- Edm rights:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Label:
- Folder 38
- Folder number:
- 38
- Format:
- Pamphlets