1. Strength out of weaknesse, or, A glorious manifestation of the further progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New England : held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the corporation established by Parliament for promoting the Gospel among the heathen in New-England, and to particular members thereof since the last treastise to that effect / formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield late Pastor of Gilford in New-England
2. A further account of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England : being a relation of the confessions made by several Indians (in the presence of the elders and members of several churches) in order to their admission into church-fellowship. Sent over to the corporation for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst the Indians in New England at London, by Mr John Elliot one of the laborers in the word amongst them
3. The light appearing more and more towards the perfect day. Or, A farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. Pub. by Henry Whitfield
4. A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in New-England : Declaring their constant love and zeal to the truth: with a readinesse to give accompt of their faith and hope; as of their desires in church communion to be partakers of the ordinances of Christ. Being a narrative of the examinations of the Indians, about their knowledge in religion, by the elders of the churches / Related by Mr. John Eliot. Pub. by the corporation, established by act of Parliament, for propagating the gospel there ...
5. A further accompt of the progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same : set forth in certaine letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of printing the Scriptures in the Indian tongue into which they are already translated : with which letters are likewise sent an epitome of some exhortations delivered by the Indians at a fast, as testimonies of their obedience to the Gospell : as also some helps directing the Indians how to improve naturall reason unto the knowledge of the true God
6. Nevv Englands first fruits; : in respect, first of the conversion of some, conviction of divers, preparation of sundry of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of learning, in the colledge at Cambridge in Massacusets [sic] bay. With divers other speciall matters concerning that countrey. / Published by the instant request of sundry friends, who desire to be satisfied in these points by many New-England men who are here present, and were eye or eare-witnesses of the same
7. The glorious progress of the Gospel, amongst the Indians in New England. Manifested by three letters, under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord Mr. John Eliot, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew jun: both preachers of the Word, as well to the English as Indian in New England. Wherein the riches of Gods grace in the effectuall calling of many of them is cleared up: as also a manifestation of the hungring desires of many people in sundry parts of that country, after the more full revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to the exceeding consolation of every Christian reader. Together, with an appendix to the foregoing letters, holding forth conjectures, observations, and applications. By I.D. minister of the Gospell. Published by Edward Winslow
8. The clear sun-shine of the gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in Nevv-England. Or, An historicall narration of Gods wonderfull workings upon sundry of the Indians, : both chief governors and common-people, in bringing them to a willing and desired submission to the ordinances of the gospel; and framing their hearts to an earnest inquirie after the knowledge of God the Father, and of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. / By Mr. Thomas Shepard minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Cambridge in New-England
10. A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670 : given in by the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, minister of the gospel there, in a letter by him directed to the right worshipfull the commissioners under His Majesties Great-Seal for propagation of the gospel amongst the poor blind natives in those United Colonies
11. Tears of repentance, or, A further narrative of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in New-England : setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the gospel : together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of grace upon their hearts / related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful laborers in that work of the Lord ; published by the corporation for propagating the gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto