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- Roman de la rose / par Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun
- Roman de la rose / par Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun
- Description:
- Ms. codex.
- Supplied title.
- Collation: Parchment; ff. i (marbled paper) + ii (modern paper) + 183 + ii (modern paper) + marbled paper; 1-228; 238-1 (leaf 8 cancelled with no loss of text). Scribal catchwords in all signatures but the last.
- Layout: 2 columns of 37-38 lines.
- Decoration: fol. 1r, half-page quadripartite miniature of four tri-colored (red, white, and blue) quatrefoil frames enclosing (1) Lover sleeping; (2) Lover dressing; (3) Lover walking near stream; (4) Lover at portal of building; fol. 2r, Hainne (l. 139). Vilonnie; fol. 2v, Conuoitoise (l. 169). Auarice (l. 195); fol. 3r, Enuie (l. 235); fol. 3v, Tristesce (l. 291); fol. 4r, Viellesce (339); fol. 4v, Papelardie (l. 405). Pourete (l. 439); fol. 5v, Comment oiseuse parole alamant (l. 581); fol. 7r, La karole au dieu damours (l. 741); fol. 12r, Comment narcissus se mir / En la fontainne (l. 1479); fol. 13v, Comment le dieu damours / Trait alamant (l. 1691); fol. 22r, Ci deuise de raison. et de sa tres / bele facon et comment elle vient / por chastoier lamant et retraire de sa folie (l. 2967); fol. 27r, Comment paour et honte vient / A dangier qui se dormoit ou / vergier. Lamant parole (l. 3651); fol. 27v, Comment ialousie fist faire la tour / ou belacueil fu mis emprison. Lamant parole (l. 3779); fol. 29v, Ci commence li romans maistre / Iehan de meum(!) et le perfist tout / Iusques en la fin (l. 4029); fol. 36r, Comment fortune est qui est en sa / Roe les yex bendez et la tourne / Toute a sa volente (l. 4819); fol. 52v, Ci dit lamant comment amis / Reuient ali la ii foiz pour / li reconforter (l. 7199); fol. 67r, Comment li ialous bat sa fame (l. 9331); fol. 74v, Ci dit la comment abstinence ame/na faussamblant per la main de/uant le dieu damours (l. 10447); fol. 77v, Comment amors resoit faussamblant / et le fait Roy des ribauz de sa court (l. 10901); fol. 87r, Comment abstinence et / contrainte et faussamblant sont / venus a male bouche. Malebouche parole (l. 12121); fol. 88v, Ci dit laucteur / comment faussamblant confesse ma/lebouche et comment il li coupe la / langue a i rasoir (l. 12331); fol. 90r, Comment la vielle qui garde bel a/cueil li aporte le chapel que lamant li / enuoie par le conseil de faussamblant (l. 12525); fol.105r, Comment bel acueil est venus en contre / lamant et le mercie du chapel quil / li auoit enuoie par la vielle (l. 14741); fol. 108v, Ci commence la bataille de lost au dieu / damours contre les portes du chastel (l. 15273); fol. 113r, Ci deuise laucteur de nature qui est en sa forge, et de ses oeuures (l. 15863); fol. 118v, Ci commence la confession nature (l. 16699); fol. 137r, Ci commence genius son sermon (l. 19475); fol. 146r, Ci comme venus trait ou chastel .i. / brandon de feu por embraser ceulz / qui sont de denz (l. 20755); fol. 146v, Ci commence / lystoire de pymalion et de son ymage (l. 20788); fol. 149r, Ci comme pymalion trouua son ymage / tout vif. (l. 21121); fol. 149v, Ci comme / venus embrasa tout le chastel (l. 21221); fol. 154r, Half-page miniature, Trinity of Mercy Seat and Symbols of the Four Evangelists; in quadricolored (blue, red, white, and blue) quatrefoil, kneeling family of son, husband, wife, and daughter flanking Throne of Grace; in spandrels, four winged symbols with haloes and scrolls inscribed with names of the evangelists. In borders, rectilinear bars of ivy, inhabited by rabbits, birds, dog(?), squirrel with nut, and a butterfly. ... More
- Origin: Paris, mid-14th century.
- Date:
- Range label:
- Roman de la rose
- fol.1r: half-page quadripartite miniature of four tri-colored (red, white, and blue) quatrefoil frames enclosing (1) Lover sleeping; (2) Lover dressing; (3) Lover walking near stream; (4) Lover at portal of building
- fol. 2r: Hainne (l. 139). Vilonnie
- fol. 2v: Conuoitoise (l. 169). Auarice (l. 195)
- fol. 3r: Enuie (l. 235)
- fol. 3v: Tristesce (l. 291)
- fol. 4r: Viellesce (339)
- fol. 4v: Papelardie (l. 405). Pourete (l. 439)
- fol. 5v: Comment oiseuse parole alamant (l. 581)
- fol. 7r: La karole au dieu damours (l. 741)
- fol. 12r: Comment narcissus se mir / En la fontainne (l. 1479)
- fol. 13v: Comment le dieu damours / Trait alamant (l. 1691)
- fol. 22r: Ci deuise de raison. et de sa tres / bele facon et comment elle vient / por chastoier lamant et retraire de sa folie (l. 2967)
- fol. 27r: Comment paour et honte vient / A dangier qui se dormoit ou / vergier. Lamant parole (l. 3651)
- fol. 27v: Comment ialousie fist faire la tour / ou belacueil fu mis emprison. Lamant parole (l. 3779)
- fol. 29v: Ci commence li romans maistre / Iehan de meum(!) et le perfist tout / Iusques en la fin (l. 4029)
- fol. 36r: Comment fortune est qui est en sa / Roe les yex bendez et la tourne / Toute a sa volente (l. 4819)
- fol. 52v: Ci dit lamant comment amis / Reuient ali la ii foiz pour / li reconforter (l. 7199)
- fol. 67r: Comment li ialous bat sa fame (l. 9331)
- fol. 74v: Ci dit la comment abstinence ame/na faussamblant per la main de/uant le dieu damours (l. 10447)
- fol. 77v: Comment amors resoit faussamblant / et le fait Roy des ribauz de sa court (l. 10901)
- fol. 87r: Comment abstinence et / contrainte et faussamblant sont / venus a male bouche. Malebouche parole (l. 12121)
- fol. 88v: Ci dit laucteur / comment faussamblant confesse ma/lebouche et comment il li coupe la / langue a i rasoir (l. 12331)
- fol. 90r: Comment la vielle qui garde bel a/cueil li aporte le chapel que lamant li / enuoie par le conseil de faussamblant (l. 12525)
- fol. 105r: Comment bel acueil est venus en contre / lamant et le mercie du chapel quil / li auoit enuoie par la vielle (l. 14741)
- fol. 108v: Ci commence la bataille de lost au dieu / damours contre les portes du chastel (l. 15273)
- fol. 113r: Ci deuise laucteur de nature qui est en sa forge et de ses oeuures (l. 15863)
- fol. 118v: Ci commence la confession nature (l. 16699)
- fol. 137r: Ci commence genius son sermon (l. 19475)
- fol. 146r: Ci comme venus trait ou chastel .i. / brandon de feu por embraser ceulz / qui sont de denz (l. 20755)
- fol. 146v: Ci commence / lystoire de pymalion et de son ymage (l. 20788)
- fol. 149r: Ci comme pymalion trouua son ymage / tout vif. (l. 21121)
- fol. 149v: Ci comme / venus embrasa tout le chastel (l. 21221)
- Le testament
- fol. 154r: Half-page miniature Trinity of Mercy Seat and Symbols of the Four Evangelists in quadricolored (blue, red, white, and blue) quatrefoil, kneeling family of son, husband, wife, and daughter flanking Throne of Grace; in spandrels, four winged symbols with haloes and scrolls inscribed with names of the evangelists. In borders, rectilinear bars of ivy, inhabited by rabbits, birds, dog(?), squirrel with nut, and a butterfly
- Le codicille
- Creator:
- Guillaume, de Lorris, active 1230
- Type:
- Illuminated manuscripts
- Miniatures (Illuminations)
- Parchment
- Poetry
- Donor:
- Garrett, Robert, 1875-1961
- Abstract:
- Illuminated manuscript (Paris, mid-14th century), containing three Old French texts: Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Roman de la rose; Jean de Meun, Le testament; and Jean de Meun, Le codicille. See digitized facsimile.
- Author:
- Guillaume, de Lorris, active 1230
- Title sort:
- Roman de la rose / par Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun.
- Edm rights:
- Contributor:
- Jean, de Meun, d. 1305?
- Princeton University. Library. Manuscript. Garrett 126
- Publisher:
- Subject:
- Courtly love—Poetry
- Romances—France
- Illuminated manuscripts—France—14th century
- Miniatures (Illuminations)—France—14th century
- Parchment
- Language:
- French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
- Identifier:
- Format:
- Extent:
- 183 leaves : parchment, ill. ; 295 x 225 mm (210 x 160 mm).
- Call number:
- Garrett MS. 126
- Electronic Resource
- Contents:
- 1. fols. 1r-153v: Roman de la rose.
- 2. fols. 153v-182r: Le testament.
- 3. fols. 182r-183r: Le codicille.
- References:
- For a full description of text and miniatures, see Don C. Skemer, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Princeton University Library (Princeton, N.J., 2013), vol. 1, pp. 286-290; Index of Christian Art.
- Text language:
- Binding note:
- French binding, gold-tooled brown calf over pasteboard, 18th century, probably by Nicolas Denis Derome le Jeune (1731-1790).
- Provenance:
- Garrett MS. 126 was probably made for the family portrayed on fol. 154r. The earliest known owner is identified in an ex libris (17th century) in the lower margin of fol. 1r: "Ex dono nobilissimi D. D. Tullier de Masières utriusque juris Doctoris et Professoris primicerii." The Tullier de Masières (or Mazières) family were sieurs of Masières as well as jurists and public officials in Bourges, 15th to 18th centuries. The manuscript might have been donated to to the Collège Sainte-Marie, the Jesuit college at Bourges, remaining there until the French Revolution. The manuscript was later in the collection of L.M.J. Duriez of Lille, and was sold at his sale in Paris, 22 January 1828. According to De Ricci it was acquired at that sale by the Parisian bookseller Alphonse Labitte and by J. L. Bourdillon of Geneva (Catalogue, 1830, no. 101). In 1847, Bourdillon's collection was sold by the Parisian bookseller Victor Tilliard at a 6 April 1847 sale at the Maison Silvestre in Paris. According to Ernest Langlois, the manuscript was sold to the Parisian bookseller L. Potier [Antoine-Laurent Potier]. It was later in the collection of the Pierre-Adolphe du Cambout 1805-1873), Marquis de Coislin, and was lot 594 in the Coislin sale in Paris, beginning on 29 November 1847. The Parisian collector Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne might have purchased the manuscript at that sale. Robert Garrett (1875-1961) of Baltimore, Maryland, Class of 1897, purchased the manuscript on 15 July 1925 from the London antiquarian bookseller Bernard Quaritch. Garrett's gift to the Princeton University Library, 1942. A commemorative bookplate is on the inside front cover. ... More
- Source acquisition:
- Gift of Robert Garrett, 1942.
- Uniform title:
- Roman de la rose; Le testament; Le codicile
- Location:
- HSVM Garrett MS. 126
- HSVM Electronic Resource
- ELF1 Garrett MS. 126
- ELF1 Electronic Resource
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