- PSALTERIUM, BENEDICTINE USE. [Mainz]: Johann Fust & Peter Schoeffer, 29 August 1459
- Collections:
- Incunabula at Princeton
- In Principio
- Collections Donated to Princeton University Library
- F & S grouping
- The Scheide Library
- Treasures of Rare Book Division
- Curatorial Note:
- The first typographic book issued in Imperial folio format is not a reprint of the 1457 Psalter, but an independent edition commissioned by the Benedictines of St. James in Mainz, following the liturgical reforms of the Bursfeld Congregation, of which St. James was a leading member. Introduced by red and blue printed initials, the psalms appear in biblical order, followed by canticles and hymns for Nocturns, Lauds, and Vespers, items not included in the 1457 Psalter. Thirteen copies survive, all printed on vellum. The Scheide Library’s incomplete copy consists of leaves taken from five fragmentary specimens. It lies open to the beginning of the Canticle of Isaiah (9:2), traditionally recited at Christmas midnight mass. The words written below the final printed line make good a passage mistakenly omitted by the compositor.
- Bookseller:
- H.P. Kraus (Firm)
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Uniform title:
- Psalter (Mainz psalter)
- Provenance:
- WHS copy is ex-library copy: Bibliothèque nationale; former owner van Praet; acquired 9/15/71 from H. P. Kraus.
- Former owner:
- Praet, Joseph van, 1754-1837
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Creator:
- Catholic Church
- Language:
- Latin
- Call number:
- 47.2
- Extent:
- 107 leaves (of 136) ; 41.7 x 32.1 cm.
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Title proper from Goff.
- Commonly known in English as Mainz Psalter.
- Publisher:
- [Mainz : Fust and Schoeffer, 1459].
- Title sort:
- Psalterium.
- Alternative:
- Mainz Psalter.
- References:
- Goff P-1062.
- De Ricci 55.6.
- Printer:
- Fust, Johannes, 1400-1466
- Schöffer, Peter, approximately 1425-approximately 1502
- Created:
- 1459-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1459
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/s1784q79z
- Location:
- WHS 47.2
- Edm rights:
- No Known Copyright
- Range label:
- Logical
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