- كتاب صلاة السواع.
- Kitāb ṣalāt al-sawāʻi.
- Curatorial Note:
- This Melkite Arabic “Book of Hours” is the first book ever printed in Arabic using movable type. The colophon reads “This blessed Book of Hours was completed on Tuesday, September 12th of the year 1514 of our Lord Jesus Christ, praised be his name, Amen. It is an imprint of master Gregorius of the House of Gregoriis of the city of Venice; it was printed in the city of Fan(o) during the reign of His Holiness Pope Leo, occupying the seat of St. Peter the Apostle in the city of Rome. Let whosoever finds an error in it, rectify it and God will rectify his matters through the Lord. Amen.” This extremely rare book was owned in the 18th century by the Augustinian Hermits of Munich. Presumably commissioned and published at the behest of Julius II (Pope 1503-1513), the edition was intended for the use of Arabic speakers in Italy or for distribution among the Christians of Syria. The Psalms used here were those of ʿAbd Allāh b. al-Faḍl, a Melkite bishop of the 11th century. See Miroslav Krek, “The Enigma of the First Arabic Book Printed from Movable Type,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 38, no. 3. (July, 1979), pp. 203-212.
- Collections:
- Early Arabic printed works
- Early Arabic Printed Works, Christian Texts
- Treasures of Rare Book Division
- Printed Rare Books at PUL
- Language:
- Arabic
- Call number:
- EX 2272.715.1514
- Extent:
- 120 . 18 cm.
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- The first book printed in Arabic.
- Ms. titles, in different hands, on t.-p.: Horologium è graeco sermone in arabicum translatum, and Liber precationum horariarum. Ms. title on cover: Precationes arabicae sive Horologium.
- Known as the Precatio horarii.
- Title sort:
- Kitāb ṣalāt al-sawāʻi.
- Alternative:
- Precatio horarii
- Created:
- 1514-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1514
- Location:
- HSVR EX 2272.715.1514
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/zw12z9342
- Edm rights:
- No Known Copyright
- Range label:
- Logical
- Author:
- Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. Arabic
- Publisher:
- [Fano, Gregorius de Gregoriis de Forli, 1514]
- Creator:
- Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. Arabic
- Indexed by:
- Miroslav Krek, "The Enigma of the First Arabic Book Printed from Movable Type," Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3. (Jul.,1979), pp. 203-212.
- Uniform title:
- Horologion. Arabic. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50000556
- View in catalog: