- Goldfish at school, or, The alphabet of Frank the fisherman.
- Created:
- 1823-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Date:
- 1823
- Collections:
- Cotsen Children's Library
- Collections Donated to Princeton University Library
- Lloyd E. Cotsen
- ABC Books
- Edm rights:
- No Known Copyright
- Identifier:
- ark:/88435/5712m9875
- Title:
- Goldfish at school, or, The alphabet of Frank the fisherman.
- Language:
- English
- Call number:
- Pams / Eng 19 / Box 027 9110
- Extent:
- [13] leaves : col. ill. (etchings) ; 18 cm.
- Format:
- Book
- Type:
- Poetry
- Description:
- Illustrations are hand colored.
- "Through distant seas, in lordly pride / Behold the Arunanus glide. / The Barbel is a River Fish, / But makes a coarse unwholesome dish. / The long liv'd Carp so often sought, / By stratagem is easiest caught."--Leaves [2 & 3]
- Cotsen copy: Illustrated fish in lozenge borders with lower left and upper right sides cut.
- Cotsen copy: Inscribed "Thomas S. Perkston's book given to him by his Papa for taking his medicine like a man. -- 26th October 1826."
- Cotsen copy: Book curse pencilled below inscription "Steal not this book for fear of for over he's the owner [?]."
- Publisher:
- London : Pubd. ... by Hodgson & Co., 10 Newgate Str., March 27, 1823.
- Subject:
- Alphabets rhymes
- English language—Alphabet—Pictorial works
- Fishes—Juvenile poetry
- Alphabet books
- Poetry
- Range label:
- Logical
- Front cover
- Title page
- A B / Aruanus Barbel
- C D / Carp Dolphin
- E F / Eel Flying Fish
- G H / Grayling Haddocks
- J K / Jack Kurtu
- L M / Lump Fish Mediterranean Sea Wolf
- N O / Nile Snipe Fish Oriental Sawfish
- P Q / Perch Quebec Ringens
- R S / Roach Salmon
- T V / Trout Vesperillos
- W X / Whale Xerxes Dog Fish
- Y Z / Yellow Gold Fish Zealand Aculatus
- Back cover
- Contributor:
- Hodgson & Co. (Publishers)
- Alternative:
- Alphabet of Frank the fisherman
- Hodgson's Goldfish at school, or, The alphabet of Frank the fisherman
- Binding note:
- Pub. pink wrappers with white hand-colored pictorial onlay printed in black.
- Location:
- Special Collections Pams / Eng 19 / Box 027 9110
- View in catalog:
- Available online: