- Jumping
- Collections:
- Princeton Slavic Collections
- Ukrainian Art in Times of War: 2014-
- Origin Place:
- Ukraine
- Height:
- 90
- Contributor:
- Potapenkov, Edward
- Format:
- Paintings
- Page count:
- 1
- Sort title:
- jumping
- Width:
- 125
- Folder number:
- Potapenkov_10
- Date created:
- 2015
- Language:
- Ukrainian
- English
- Origin place:
- Ukraine
- Is part of:
- Ukrainian Art in Times of War: 2014-
- Description:
- The description provided by the artist: "Робота написана для проекту «Тріумф безволія» Чому б не використовувати для бігу з перешкодами танки? Спортивна сцена, поєднана з військовою технікою, занурює в іншу реальність - реальність без смерті та насильства." Kомуфляжна тканина, олія.
- "The work was created for the 'Triumph of Apathy' project. Why not use tanks for obstacle course running? A sports scene combined with military equipment immerses us in another reality - a reality without death and violence" Oil on camouflage fabric.
- The work was exhibited: 2015 ArtVilnius'15 Contemporary Art Fair "Different Reality," Vilnius 2016 Gallery "RA," Kyiv 2022 Avangarden gallery & wine bar
- Creator:
- Потапенков, Эдуард
- Category:
- Arts and culture
- Arts and culture
- Politics and government
- Barcode:
- 00000000000000
- Edm rights:
- In Copyright
- Description:
- The description provided by the artist: "Робота написана для проекту «Тріумф безволія» Чому б не використовувати для бігу з перешкодами танки? Спортивна сцена, поєднана з військовою технікою, занурює в іншу реальність - реальність без смерті та насильства." Kомуфляжна тканина, олія.
- "The work was created for the 'Triumph of Apathy' project. Why not use tanks for obstacle course running? A sports scene combined with military equipment immerses us in another reality - a reality without death and violence" Oil on camouflage fabric.
- The work was exhibited: 2015 ArtVilnius'15 Contemporary Art Fair "Different Reality," Vilnius 2016 Gallery "RA," Kyiv 2022 Avangarden gallery & wine bar
- Title:
- Jumping
- Label:
- Folder Potapenkov_10
- Series:
- Тріумф безволія
- Subject:
- Artists
- Arts
- War
- Created:
- 12/06/23 06:31:18 PM UTC
- Modified:
- 12/07/23 08:21:28 PM UTC
- Coverage:
- Ukraine